All you need is love

Today, I’m feeling the love.  And for some reason, as I was thinking the words, “Feel the love,” I heard them in Peter Griffin’s voice.  You know, from the episode where he spends time with Meg?  No?  Okay, fine:

I haven’t watched Family Guy in years, so I have no idea why that particular scene popped into my head this morning, but you can’t unsee it! Muahahaaaa! 🙂

Anyway, I wanted to share a bit of blog love today.  I’ve been reading all sorts of lovely things lately and it’s high time that all you wonderful folks read them, too.  Besides, I owe you one for posting that Family Guy video.  First up is Super Crack, a new site by one of my oldest and dearest friends, Jenni Sweet.  While there, you’ll find everything from story snippets to thoughts on Byzantine art to quotes from Surf Ninjas (“Uh, Dad?  You know that guy you said would come if we didn’t eat our vegetables?  He’s here!”).  Okay, so there aren’t any quotes from Surf Ninjas, but there are other quotes and plenty of pretty pictures upon which to feast your eyes, so check it out!

Next up, and I think I’ve linked here before, is A Tattle-Tale Sound, home of the always-lovely Tara Acton.  Her latest post, titled “Figure it out,” explores her struggles with the dreaded chemistry beast and how she managed to defeat it in epic style.  Said struggle is also related to normal stuff, like job satisfaction (or lack thereof) and writing career (again, or lack thereof).  A good mental kick in the pants, with a laugh to go along with it.

Another good friend, Lindsey J. Parsons, has posted the trailer for her upcoming debut novel, Vortex: Return of the Effra, Book 1 on YouTube.  Check it out!

Kristen Lamb once again has an interesting post concerning writing in the digital age.  Bonus: It comes with gifts!  Go!  Read it now!

Another good page to check out is the Authors to Watch group on Facebook.  Lots of big things are happening there for lots of awesome people.  And speaking of awesome people, check out Sophie Tallis’s Facebook page for her fantasy series, The Darkling Chronicles.  It’s a great place to find all the latest news and updates on her work, including the trailer for the first book in the series, White Mountain, which will be published this fall by Safkhet Publishing.

Okay, I think that’s all the news that’s fit to print right now.  At least, that’s all the news that I can think of right now, anyway.  I’m still in recovery mode from the weekend and the epic car trip we took yesterday to visit the extended fam.  It’s always worth the drive, but the road construction is something I always dread.  At least I didn’t have to drive. 🙂

Happy Monday, all!

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7 thoughts on “All you need is love

Thoughts: You got 'em, I want 'em!

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