Photo Friday: Funny face

Today’s theme is funny faces, and with someone as talented as Miss Tadpole is at making funny faces, I have no shortage of pictures to share.  Indeed, our annual photo book for 2013 has a full-page spread of some of her funnier faces.

Behold, Miss Tadpole, Queen of the Funny Faces:

Then there was the picture I took of her Girl Scout troop selling cookies at our local grocery store.  A couple of the girls were outside holding up a sign advertising their wares to hungry passersby.  When they saw my camera, they ran up to the window for a hilarious photo op:

Cookies for sale!

Cookies for sale!

This picture never fails to make me smile.  How about you – what funny faces make you smile?

Don’t forget to stop by Charnele’s blog and see which faces she finds funny.  Have a great weekend, everybody!

(c) 2014.  All rights reserved.

12 thoughts on “Photo Friday: Funny face

  1. Roger says:

    Those first two snaps remind me of my daughter’s expression when faced with the prospect of making her own bed. Mild amusement with absolutely no intention of doing so.


Thoughts: You got 'em, I want 'em!

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