Photo 365 #355

It’s another darkish, rainy day, so I thought a bit of sunshine was in order:


Now if only the sky looked as bright as this beautiful bloom. *sigh*

How’s the weather where you are? Is it beautifully sunny or dank and dreary?

(c) 2015. All rights reserved.

15 thoughts on “Photo 365 #355

  1. Ekaterina says:

    Hi, it is cold for July in Northern Europe, below 20oC, rain. The only hope is a vacation in Italy 🙂
    In case you want to keep those sunflower alive a bit longer try the following: cut the ends of stems under water and rub salt into the cuts. I learned this from my Ikebana teacher and it works.
    Enjoy your flowers’ sunshine!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Kay Kauffman says:

      Wow, that does sound chilly! It’s hot and muggy right now, as we’re between storms. Not fun. *sigh*

      Thanks for the sunflower tip! This picture is actually from a store I visited last weekend. I didn’t buy any flowers (I have a black thumb), but if I ever do get some sunflowers, I’ll keep this in mind! 🙂

      Hope your weather improves soon! And what is Ikebana?


    • Kay Kauffman says:

      I seem to have been transplanted to England – it’s been raining here for the better part of the last week, though it feels more like it’s been raining all summer. I’m tired of rain.


    • Kay Kauffman says:

      I’d petition Mother Nature for a change of weather, but if she listened at all, she’d probably send me snow just to be ornery, so it’s probably best to do my grousing where she can’t hear. 😉


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