
I love old cornerstones like this:


It’s located on the corner of the Hardin County Courthouse and it makes me smile every time I walk past us. I don’t know why; maybe it’s because the old ones are more ornate than the newer ones I’ve seen. The one on the Eldora Methodist Church is even prettier, and I know I have a picture of it somewhere, but do you think I can find it?

Of course not.


And on that note, here’s a less literal photo for today’s edge theme:


If this doesn’t say, “Live life on the edge,” I don’t know what does. 🙂

(c) 2016. All rights reserved.


I’m lucky to live in an area full of beautiful old buildings. From churches to courthouses to businesses and homes, Iowa has a wealth of beautiful architecture.

I can’t wait for warmer weather so I can go capture some more of it.

Do you have lots of old buildings where you live?

(c) 2016. All rights reserved.


I love old buildings.  I love the architecture, I love the decorations, I love the tin ceilings.  I’d love to have antique tin ceilings in my own house someday, but I’m not holding my breath over it – they’re crazy expensive.

But I digress.  Late last summer, my mother-in-law and I took Miss Tadpole fabric shopping for her home ec. project.  We went to a local fabric place, and while they were looking around at the fabric, I was looking around at the building.  It had formerly been the town general store, and it was just beautiful.


I stumbled across this in the middle of an aisle.  I could have stayed there taking pictures of it all afternoon, as well as some of the other antique touches in the store.  This is something I’d love to have in my house someday, even though we don’t have forced air heating.

(c) 2015.  All rights reserved.

And now, a word from our sponsor…

Elaborate parapets flank the gable of King's C...

Elaborate parapets flank the gable of King’s College Chapel, Cambridge. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Today’s Writing 101 task (okay, fine, it’s really Thursday’s task) is to grab the nearest book, turn to page 29, and use the first word that jumps off the page at you to inspire your post. I grabbed Land of Midnight Days by Katrina Jack and the first word to really jump out at me was the word parapet. With that in mind, here is my letter to a parapet:

Dear Parapet…