Photo 365 #146

Among the many things that Cricket and Thumper found under the Christmas tree at Grandma’s house were matching Scooby Doo jammies.  If their Halloween costumes weren’t indication enough of how excited these two get over Scooby Doo, then heres another picture that’s worth a thousand words on the subject:


Trying to get Thumper to sit still for longer than two seconds is like resisting the Borg.  Still, this picture was the better of the two I snapped this afternoon as we were getting ready for naps.  If naptime hadn’t been imminent, they’d have probably looked a little more excited, but as we all know, naps are evil and must be fought at all costs.


At least it’s quiet upstairs now.  That’s either very good or very bad, and I’m a little bit afraid to find out which it is.

(c) 2014.  All rights reserved.

New year, new features!

So tomorrow we start another year.  Can you believe how fast 2014 flew by?  I know I can’t.  I’m sure it just began yesterday, didn’t it?

But with the new year, I’ve decided to do something new here on my shiny, pretty blog.  There’s this calendar that I saw a while back, called “When You Stumble, Make it Part of the Dance” by Suzy Toronto, and it had some of the neatest sayings on it, one for each month.  Some of them inspired me, some of them made me laugh, but all of them made me want to share with all of you.  I’ll share one calendar quote the first of every month, and I hope you’ll enjoy it as much as I did.

If you’d like to get a copy for yourself, check out Ms. Toronto’s website.  She’s got lots of great stuff for sale, and if I ever win the lotto, I’ll be tempted to buy one of everything she’s got up. 🙂

In the meantime, I hope you stay safe this New Year’s Eve, and may 2015 bring you and yours nothing but the best.  Happy New Year!

(c) 2014.  All rights reserved.