Review time!

spindle-2000Joining Authonomy was my first step into the wider writing community. I know I’ve raved about the site before, but it really was a fantastic place at the time I was there. (Well, at the time I was active, anyway – I’m still actually there, but I haven’t logged in in ages.) Anyway, as a result of getting to know so many other authors, I’ve been introduced to some truly wonderful friends and some truly magical books.

Spindle, the first book in the Two Monarchies series, is one such book:

Photo 365 #360

Shadow: “Opal!  You’re back!  Welcome home!”

Opal: “Why thank you, Mr. Regal.  It’s good to be back.”

Shadow: “Yeah, yeah, yeah – of course you are.  Now, enough small talk – let me sniff your butt.”


Opal: *rolls eyes* “Males.  Ugh.”

I guess some things will never change. 🙂

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