Photo 365 #2

I’m so creative with my post title today, aren’t I?

Anyway, I decided last weekend when I found one of my mom’s old embroidery hoops that I should take up embroidery again.  My grandma gave me an embroidery kit once for Christmas when I was a kid and, though I started one of the samplers, I never finished.

No, I didn't do this, but maybe someday...

No, I didn’t do this, but maybe someday…

I bought some embroidery floss and a fat square the other day when Miss Tadpole and I went to pick out the fabric for her home ec. project.  I don’t have a pattern yet, but I was thinking something in a fleur de lis would be pretty.  Of course, since I bought green and red floss, maybe I should stick with a holly and berry theme?  That would be pretty too.

I’ll let you know how it goes.

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26 thoughts on “Photo 365 #2

  1. mbarkersimpson says:

    I love embroidery, but I haven’t had a project to get my teeth into for a while. I spend too much time writing, though I do enjoy knitting. I’m starting a project for my nephew, who is almost two. It’s a monkey, which suits him because he is a little monkey!


  2. ChristineR says:

    I started a huge embroidery project back in the 1980s – a basket full of flowers, using every stitch ever invented. Every now and then while cleaning up, I’ll come across it and vow to finish it. Maybe I will one day. It is a wonderfully soothing activity, from memory. 😀


  3. Mara Eastern says:

    I love this little peek into your projects 🙂 Embroidery sounds nice, very Victorian to me, and I like the Victorian period. I never attempted this skill, I got only as far as crocheting.


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