Photo 365 #290

So yesterday was busy.  Like, crazy busy.  I didn’t get done anything I wanted to in terms of writing, but I did get my latest rhubarb harvest out of my fridge, so there’s that.  I made two huge pots of rhubarb sauce, which I now have to get out of my fridge and into some freezer bags, and I started putting together a strawberry rhubarb pie, but stopped short of getting the pie assembled and baked.  I thought perhaps I’d do that today, since it was meant for tonight, but between a wicked headache and supper plans going awry, it hasn’t happened.

At least, not yet.

I haven’t accomplished anything at all today except for getting the dishes done from yesterday’s cooking fest.  I spent most of the afternoon in bed nursing a headache.  But I’m finally starting to feel better, and I’ve got all evening ahead of me, and the weekend’s not over yet, so hopefully the writing will happen just as soon as the kids are in bed.


It’s not the best picture in the world – the lighting is awful – but I had fun taking it. 🙂


The one thing I did do this afternoon that was actually fun was photograph the pine cones I picked up yesterday.  The boys and I picked up the sticks in the yard so Seymour could mow lawn, and I happened to stumble across some particularly pretty pine cones.  I meant to do it yesterday, but between processing my rhubarb and worming my cats and cleaning up murder scenes (something had a heck of a fight in one of our outbuildings – there was blood everywhere, but no body(ies)), it didn’t happen.

But that was then, and this is now, and I hope you like my pretty, pretty pine cones. 🙂

(c) 2015.  All rights reserved.

26 thoughts on “Photo 365 #290

  1. laurie27wsmith says:

    You had me at rhubarb Kay, I love it stewed served with custard. Headache that bad eh? Not good at all, there’s nothing worse than a headache that won’t go away. At least you took a pic and that’s all that counts. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

      • laurie27wsmith says:

        Now, is American style custard different to the British/Australian variety? I do know that stewed apple and rhubarb pies are delightful with the custard. Glad to hear that your headache’s gone. Miserable things that they are.


        • Kay Kauffman says:

          I don’t know – when I think custard, I think of the eggy dessert kind. If that’s the sort you’re referring to, then I’d say they’re the same. 🙂 I find the flavor bland and the consistency indescribable, but it’s been a long time since I tried a custard last, so I suppose I should give it another go. 🙂

          Liked by 1 person

          • laurie27wsmith says:

            I’m talking pouring custard, you can get dry packet custard and you mix it with milk and a little sugar, mmm. yeas, there’s the egg custard it’s quite heavy but I love both.

            Liked by 1 person

          • Kay Kauffman says:

            My family likes their cake and pie served with ice cream (or whipped cream, if it’s pumpkin pie), but you can’t beat rhubarb sauce on top of ice cream, especially if the sauce is warm and the ice cream melts a bit – yummy! 🙂

            Liked by 1 person

          • Kay Kauffman says:

            Doesn’t coffee go well with breakfast? 😀

            It’s mid-afternoon here. I really shouldn’t be drinking coffee because I’ve already had a pop and I’ll probably be up half the night, but it just sounded too good to resist. Plus, it was free, and one can’t argue with free coffee. 😉

            Liked by 1 person

          • laurie27wsmith says:

            Coffee goes very well with breakfast Kay, it’s just that I was up really early and that magnificent beverage you were having wouldn’t have sat well that early. If there’s anything better than coffee, it’s a free coffee. 🙂

            Liked by 1 person

          • laurie27wsmith says:

            *sigh* that’s the trouble with getting older. 😉 I spent the last 12 months of my army service on permanent guard duty. Weekdays were 12 hour shifts but on weekends they were 24, I used to have a cup of coffee an hour. One day I was making a cup and my heart went into overdrive. I could feel it beating against my ribs. I went of it cold turkey, now that hurt but it took 10 years before I had another coffee.


          • Kay Kauffman says:

            Scary! I’ve had my heart do funny things before, but I don’t think it was related to my caffeine consumption – it was back when I was drinking much less of it, and I think I might have been pregnant at the time. Still, overdosing on it is nothing to mess around with. Glad you came out of it okay!

            How long were you in the army?

            Liked by 1 person

          • laurie27wsmith says:

            It was Kay, thought I had some alien thingy in there. 🙂 Pregnancy can do funny things to you, or so I’ve heard. It’s a worry when kids drink things like Red Bull and other highly caffeinated beverages in excess. All things considered though I do love a nice cuppa coffee. I served in the Australian Army for six years and went to Vietnam. yes I’m old. 🙂

            Liked by 1 person

          • Kay Kauffman says:

            Could be older – my dad would’ve been 81 this year. My husband served six years in the army, but he never saw combat. I think I’m okay with that.

            As for Red Bull, I can’t stand the stuff. I can’t stand any energy drinks, actually, and I hope my kids never develop a taste for them, especially after what happened to Brian Vickers. He’s a NASCAR driver and Red Bull used to sponsor his car. But he developed a clotting disorder and I don’t think his Red Bull consumption was ever officially linked to it, but it still made plenty of people stop and think. Made me glad I don’t drink the stuff. I’ll stick with Dr. Pepper for my caffeine high.

            Liked by 1 person

          • laurie27wsmith says:

            Felt older the last couple of days but back to normal now. 🙂 I think most women would be happy with their husbands not going to war. I was single and 19 and even with the eventual outcome to my health I wouldn’t change a thing. I’ve only had one red bull and thought what a load of… you get the drift. I did get a liking for Dr Pepper in Vietnam though and was highly delighted when it finally came out here 20 years ago. 🙂

            Liked by 1 person

          • laurie27wsmith says:

            People out here reckon it tastes like cough medicine but I say it’s bloody lovely. I also like a Ginger Beer (root beer) or Sarsaparilla. 🙂

            Liked by 1 person

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