
I’m tired. I’m not, really, but it’s much more acceptable to say you’re tired than to say that you’re angry and upset and you don’t know why.

I’m tired. I’m not, not really, but it’s so much easier to say you’re tired than to say that you’re feeling prickly and sharp and you don’t know why.

I’m tired. I’m not supposed to be, because I got almost seven hours of sleep last night. But my goal is eight or nine, and the seven hours I got weren’t good. I can’t remember the last time I woke up feeling refreshed.

I’m tired. I’m not, really, but it’s much safer to say you’re tired than to say that you’re feeling jagged and raw and you don’t want to talk about it because you can’t handle hearing, “Suck it up, buttercup,” or, “Figure it out and get over it,” one more time.

I am running on empty, and I’m tired of it.

(c) 2017. All rights reserved.

Photo 365 #290

So yesterday was busy.  Like, crazy busy.  I didn’t get done anything I wanted to in terms of writing, but I did get my latest rhubarb harvest out of my fridge, so there’s that.  I made two huge pots of rhubarb sauce, which I now have to get out of my fridge and into some freezer bags, and I started putting together a strawberry rhubarb pie, but stopped short of getting the pie assembled and baked.  I thought perhaps I’d do that today, since it was meant for tonight, but between a wicked headache and supper plans going awry, it hasn’t happened.

At least, not yet.

I haven’t accomplished anything at all today except…

Photo 365 #166: The Dentist


Too bad I prefer Aquafresh to Crest…

I had a dentist appointment this morning.  I hate going to the dentist.  He’s very friendly, all his staff are lovely, and I have pretty good teeth.  Why, then, should I loathe these visits so much?

The cleanings drive me nuts.

Some people shiver at the sound of a dentist’s drill.  I shiver (and cringe and tense up) at the sound of the hygienist scraping the plaque off my teeth.  By the time she’s finished, my hands are tired and sore, my shoulders are wrecked, and I have a raging headache.

And that’s with my normal (read: preferred) hygienist.

The one I had today…

Best Monday ever


Two of my favorite comforts after surgery.

So about my surgery…

I had every girl’s favorite doctor appointment at the end of October.  I’ve been having a lot of on-again-off-again cramping since Cricket was born, and Thumper’s arrival only made it worse.  Intimacy has been difficult, to say the least.  When I went to the doctor, they did an ultrasound and found that I had a cyst on my right ovary.  My doctor wanted to keep an eye on it, so I scheduled a follow-up appointment in early December.  That ultrasound showed no cysts.  Yay!

But then a couple days after Christmas, I started cramping again, and it was worse than ever.  I was dizzy from the pain, and sweaty and queasy to boot.  I tried walking, I tried lying still, but nothing eased the pain.  The only reason I got any sleep that night was because I took some Tylenol PM.  I cramped all through the night and most of the next day, then I was sore for two days afterward.  It was miserable.

I managed to get an appointment with my doctor the Monday after Christmas…

And now, an ecard


I’ve been fighting a sinus infection, an ear infection, and recovering from back-to-back Christmas parties with a cookie walk thrown in for good measure.  I baked 23 dozen Christmas cookies in a span of 24 hours.  I hope to be back to my normal self (both blogging and otherwise) soon, thanks to massive antibiotics (seriously, the things are horse pills!) and a(nother) good night’s sleep.  Until then, please to enjoy these delicious virtual cookies:


Mmm, delicious sugar cookies…om nom nom!

(c) 2013.  All rights reserved.


*blink blink* *yawn*

caffeineOh, good Lord, am I ever tired.  I blame the stupid cold I’ve been fighting for a week in combination with four days of holiday merrymaking, followed by a return to work this morning (although really, work feels like a vacation compared to the thought of staying home with two energetic toddlers the way I feel right now).  This unending crud has me feeling all sorts of fuzzy, impairing my ability to write but not dulling my desire.

Talk about frustration.

On the bright side, it’s snowing on my blog again. 😀

Anyway, with all that in mind (and an apparently busy week ahead of me), I don’t know how often I’ll be posting over the next couple of weeks.  I’ll try and pop in every couple of days, but right now, I think I need to focus on getting better and getting ready for Christmas.  I hope to see you all again soon! 😀

(c) 2013.  All rights reserved.


¡Hace calor!

Well, it’s late and I’m exhausted after a long day.  I hope you’ve all been enjoying the poetry!  Most of them were written on our last camping trip.  We spent two hours waiting for our boat to get fixed and, after my phone battery died, I whipped out my handy little purse notebook and started writing.  (If I’d have had The Lokana Chronicles with me, I’d have started revising, but that didn’t work out.)

Anyway, I’ve got loads to tell when I’m less tired and more coherent, so for tonight, I’ll just leave you with this.  It hit 105° today at work, and in Des Moines, apparently it hit 108°.  I heard that was a record, but I don’t know for sure.

What I do know for sure is that when it’s this flippin’ hot out,  there’s only one thought that runs through my mind, and it goes like this:

The mummy, she lives!

I started this nice little post about this article I read this morning after following a link someone posted on Facebook and it was really very touching, so it made me want to write my very own little post on the same subject but then I got busy at work and didn’t have a chance to get back to it and now I have the time to work on it, but since I have neither the inclination nor the capacity to do so (although I suppose it could be argued that the coherence of this incredibly long run-on sentence means that I very well could write the dang post – I’m just too lazy to make my brain cells actually work), you’ll just have to wait till tomorrow to read it when hopefully the kids will won’t have a snow day and I can get some rest and kick the crap out of this stupid bug that has me in a choke-hold.

(c) 2012.  All rights reserved.

Monday cometh

And another long holiday weekend bites the dust. I find myself wishing that tomorrow wasn’t Monday because I’ve got loads more writing to do and little time in which to get it done. Oh, well, I guess. C’est la vie.

(c) 2012. All rights reserved.

So, about your border…

Finally got around to putting up Tomcat’s wallpaper border tonight.  It went more or less okay until we got to the closet.

This crap should be drug out into the street and shot.  Repeatedly.

In other news, tomorrow I will probably have a post on how awesome Tomcat’s room looks.  You know, after the electrician finishes installing his ceiling fan and I get everything put back in his room where it belongs. 😀

That is all.

(c) 2012.  All rights reserved.