You can’t promenade alone, can you?

And now I’m back on schedule!  Woot!

I was fifteen and a freshman the first time I went to prom.  I can hear it now: “How the…What the…Huh?  Aren’t those for upperclassmen?”

My freshman year, I befriended an upperclassman who asked me to go to prom with him.  I, of course, was flattered beyond belief and quickly said yes.  Since he waited till the last minute to ask me, I scored a great dress for a nominal price.  A couple of older girls took me dress shopping since I didn’t have a car and even offered to do my make-up for me.  Dressed to the nines, I was all set to enjoy my night, despite the fact that we were being chauffeured by his parents because my date couldn’t drive.

Friends and fun – what could be better?
Photo by Kay Kauffman

Here comes Miss Freshman, escorted by Mr. Junior…

Picking up steam!

I broke the 10k mark on my WIP over the weekend.  Woohoo!  I just broke it, but still.  It was enough to allow me to publicize what I’ve written so far on authonomy, which I’ve done now, if anyone wants to take a look.  I’d like to get some feedback on where things are going and how things are developing.  I feel like my writing is stronger this time around, but that doesn’t mean I won’t have a lot of work left to do once the writing part is finished.

If you’d like to check it out, it’s tentatively titled The Lokana Chronicles: Fog of War and you can find it here.  I’m terrible with titles and I’m really not satisfied with that one, but I suppose it’ll do until I can think of a better one (by the way, if anyone would like to submit some title ideas, I’m all ears).

(c) 2012.  All rights reserved.



Yesterday I took a day off from most social media, with the exception of a Facebook post (I heart The Princess Bride!) and a couple of Twitter updates.  Partly I was trying to get caught up on what I’d missed Friday and Saturday, but mostly I was spending a lovely rainy day with family.  I had a productive day, even if it wasn’t exactly productive in all the ways I had hoped it would be.

But!  That was yesterday, not when I was fourteen.  That’s the age we’re up to, as I recall.  Fourteen, what a year.  I was still living with my aunt the first part of that year, but that fall I started high school.  Once again I’d gone from the top of the heap to the bottom of the totem pole.  But with an awesome circle of friends, I was sure it would be a fantastic four years.

Mommy’s big little boy
Photo by Kay Kauffman

Suddenly I’m reminded of those old Iowa State commercials, the ones that asked what you wanted to do with your four years.  Or maybe they asked how you wanted to spend them.  That might have been it.  Tomcat and I saw one once when he was four and he looked up at me and said, “Mommy, I want my four years to last forever so I can stay your little boy.”

But, as usual, I digress.