Election reflection

You know, I had all these wonderful thoughts about the election last night as I was trying desperately to come down off the wave of pride I was riding after President Obama was declared the winner of the yesterday’s election.  I even had some pretty good ones this morning, despite the fact that I was ridiculously tired and felt like I’d been hit by a campaign bus.

But now?  Now that I have the time to sit down and compose said thoughts into a coherent blog post?

Yeah, not so much.


I love the smell of democracy in the morning.  -Erica Acton

For all you Harry Potter fans, be sure to check out the link below.  Mr. Acton is one crazy talented guy, and you can find more of his work at Matchstick Marvels in Gladbrook, Iowa.  They have all the cool stuff in the Brook. 😉

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