
So today’s Photo Friday theme is inside.  But inside what?  Well, how about inside the universe?  No?  Okay, then feast your eyes on the inside of this pretty, pretty flower:

2014-06-08 14.14.47-2

We have this bush in our yard that looks a lot like a lilac bush but, as far as I can tell, it’s not a lilac bush.  It smells glorious, though, and when it was blooming a couple weeks back, I had to snap a few quick pictures.  This fly sure was happy that night. 🙂

Don’t forget to check out Charnele’s inside post, and have a great weekend!  I’ll be back…uh…sometime to finish catching up on my Writing 101 posts (Only yesterday’s and today’s to go – woo!) and fill you in on all the craziness from the past week.  Stay cool out there!

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