It’s that time of the year again…

Today is November 1 and you know what that means…It’s time to get crazy!

Crazy like a writer, that is.

That’s write (see what I did there? 😊), today begins NaNoWriMo, which for some crazy reason I decided to try again this year. But I haven’t written a word on my novel yet today, and I probably won’t, which is going to put me at a startling deficit when tomorrow rolls around.

Don’t get me wrong—I’ve written plenty of words today. I’ve probably even hit the magical 1,667 mark. But the words I wrote weren’t for any personal projects, so alas, they don’t count.

November 1 also means that NaBloPoMo has begun in earnest, which I’m hoping will get me back on track when it comes to my dearly-beloved-yet-sadly-neglected, wordy home here on the interwebs. But with my friends at #TeamTinyPeppers cheering me on, I’m sure I can get back in the swing of things this time.

Because willpower—I has it. Sometimes. If food isn’t involved. 😊

So what about you? Are you participating in any of this month’s writerly activities? I want to hear all about what’s going on with you down in the comments!

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