Photo Friday: The best friends edition

Well, Friday certainly snuck up on me this week.  I’m still trying to catch up on all the blogging fun I’ve been so lucky to be a part of this week, and I completely forgot about choosing a theme for this week’s Photo Friday post.  Whoops.

As I was trying to decide what to post, I remembered that it’s my best friend Jenny’s birthday today.  After wishing her well a couple different places, I decided that friendship would be the perfect theme and, since I have a bunch of pictures of my friends and me over the years already posted, why not collect them all in one post?

So, in no particular order, below I give you a dozen pictures of my besties and me over the years, from high school, through college, and beyond.  I hope you enjoy my little picspam and I hope you all have a fabulous weekend.

As for me, I’ll be playing catch-up on a variety of things all weekend long.

Don’t forget to stop by Charnele Henry’s blog to see what she’s up to.  Happy summer! 😀

(c) 2014.  All rights reserved.

9 thoughts on “Photo Friday: The best friends edition

    • Kay Kauffman says:

      I’m usually behind the camera, not in front of it. But so many of these are from the days when I’d get the money for a roll or two of film and we’d just go out and have at it…Good times. 🙂


      • Roger says:

        From the approximately fifty rolls I wasted I got about five decent shots, but I didn’t care at the time. The one I took of my wife sitting in five different places in the pub simultaneously was quite good. I wish I hadn’t lost it.


        • Kay Kauffman says:

          Oh, that’s too bad it got lost! I never used to care how many good shots I got out of a roll of film, either – it was more about having fun with my friends and capturing our goofiness for posterity. When I look through my photo albums now, those are some of my favorites to look at. 🙂


          • Roger says:

            My daughter always searches through the enormous pile my wife keeps in the hope of seeing me with a mustache so she can giggle herself sick. At my wife’s pleading I got rid of it in the 80’s. Pity, I always thought it was cool.


          • Kay Kauffman says:

            Miss Tadpole always gasps when she sees how long my hair was twelve years ago. It’s so much shorter now that I don’t think she’d believe me about how long it used to be if I didn’t have photographic proof.


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